Monday, March 23, 2020

Okay...the FUN continues!

I had heard about these Mo Willems videos, released especially for this time of staying home and staying healthy. 
Thank you Mo- for this effort and thoughtfulness. 

The videos are about 27 minutes long and each features a theme of one of his book series. He doodles, then shows us how his books are made or where he gets ideas. 
Each has a participatory portion at the end. 

Here is episode 1:
Mo Willems - episode 1 - Pigeon 

Here are some simple examples of how to draw the pigeon.

Once you get the hang of it, spend some time experimenting with:

  • Beak- size and position
  • Eyes
  • Wing position
  • Legs

Draw a bunch of pigeons - really lets say 9 for grades 2 and up, younger kids stick to 3 pigeons.
Look at what you created and choose 3 to redraw and arrange them into a story...adding details, other characters, a simple scene and whatever objects are needed for the story.

Who, why, where and how it all is resolved? What is the problem? lost a cookie, can't fly anymore, forgot to clean room/nest/bus, bumped into a tree....?

Remember - if you do a bunch of interesting drawings of pigeons in different poses, you can redraw them OR cut them out and rearrange them on new paper with added props and details.

Okay - let me know what you come up with.

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