Thursday, November 14, 2019

It's that time of year....

Well we have successfully completed the first couple months of school and are looking towards conference time.
Time to update what has been happening in each art classroom. Please check each tab to read what the students have been learning.

We were lucky enough to hire Ms. Havner to share the teaching in Kindergarten and 1st grade. I am enjoying working with her and learning from her perspective. The other days of the week she is an art teacher at Sitton School, another PPS elementary. Ms. Havner is at Capitol Hill on Tuesdays and tells me she is delighted with the interest and engagement of our students.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Start to the year


We are off to a start of another school year.
The art schedule is quite herky-jerky now, but that will be remedied in the next few weeks, I expect. Some of your children have probably mentioned that at home.

I am optimistic and we are doing lots of new projects at various grade levels. Here is one for 4th grade. I came across this video as I want the students to know more about Lois Elhert - the wildly successful artist illustrator, as we used her book "Cuckoo" as a jumping off point.

Image result for Cuckoo Ehlert

Students made "articulated" birds that are now flying in the hallway. This is a fun lead-in to the next artist we learn about - Charlie Harper. (In teaching terms that is called "scaffolding" -  specific incremental skill/concept building).

BUT - back to the video- this is personal for me. Lois Elhert talks about the importance of having a work space as a child. Many of my students have told me about how they too have a space to make art at home. That is SO important for their development as healthy humans.

The personal truth in this is that I had a workspace during my childhood too - and it was an emotional refuge, as art continues to be for me today. My childhood was rocky, with divorce and unsettled parents - but my work area was a waiting place for me, a place of mental engagement and a place of peace. Making art (stuff) can be so soothing.
I know that is why I truly LOVE art, (as sappy as that sounds) it has been my best friend, my companion through many upsetting times.
(I have more stories, of art keeping me afloat during rough times, but enough for now).

Even if you don't want your children to grow up to be artists (or cowboys - I do have a son who is a cowboy!...) teaching them self-calming skills and practices are a life long gift.

I honor my role as your child's art teacher. Thank you for the opportunity.

Nancy Helmsworth

Saturday, August 24, 2019

School Year 2019-20

Plans are in the works for some great projects this year.

I am looking forward to developing some new projects as well as revisiting some old favorites:

I even purchased some STEAM books to have in the classroom, for read-aloud and inspiration.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Capitol Hill Art Show - SUCCESS - Thank you to everyone who made it so!

what a wonderful evening in celebration of the art created by the children of Capitol Hill School. 

The Show would not have been possible without the crew of dedicated parents - led by Joni and Tabitha - who made it all possible. Thank you to everyone involved.

The student art was strong as ever - showing their individual voices articulated with the skills they have learned in art class. This is an example of the Arts Tax is use. 
The art program staffing is 100% funded by the Arts Tax.

Big Thanks to Lauren for engineering the bevy of butterflies in the school foyer.
She did a gorgeous job!

Extra thanks to the 5th grade students who helped extra with set-up including the Scouts.

I felt so gratified as a teacher and member of the Capitol Hill community. Thank you for making this such a great place to be.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Capitol Hill Art Show Capitol Hill Art Show Capitol Hill Art Show Capitol Hill Art Show

Please come to the -Capitol Hill Art Show- on April 11th from 6:30-8:00.

This a free event with the sole purpose of celebrating the art and learning of all the Capitol Hill students. 
You will see one piece of art created by each student in the school - Kindergarten through 5th grade.
You will hear musical performances by CH piano students.
And there will be food!

Please come and enjoy the art and celebrate your place in your community.

And many thanks to the volunteers who made this happen.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

snow day

Confession - I worried about how I am not updating this blog enough last night instead of sleeping. We have a snow day today so... I have been given a chance to alleviate my guilt.

In the past I have confessed that the photo management changed and I am having trouble getting the images stored in an easy way. I may have finally figured which "cloud" they live in without totally opening my phone to the world wide web. Argh...our digital age.

Anyway I may have it now... BUT I am doing pretty well with instagram - link above - so if you want to see more of what is happening in real time - please consider watching that link.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Happy New Year

We are back from a wonderfully longgggg break and just when we get used to getting up early for school, we have another long weekend.

Yet... we have nothing but gratitude and admiration for the courage of Dr. Martin Luther King, how he championed Civil Rights.

As a country we have made progress, but are not "there" yet.