Monday, November 5, 2018

The year is humming along.

Even though everyone likes to call November - "no-school-November," we have just finished a good long period of school.  We have nine weeks under our belts at the moment this is written.

The students have really settled in nicely, and definitely have grown- especially the youngest ones who are changing so quickly.

This last week the 5th graders began a quick project inspired by a still life. I hadn't really planned to do this but as they were doing such a good job on their "Spooky Still life" I figured we should take a quick detour before our next project.

Just watching them work inspires me.
How about you?

Monday, September 10, 2018

New School a new classroom

Okay, "new" means new to me, not new as in brand new.

Art has been moved out of the portable classroom to the old Kindergarten room in the main building. While it is set up, but not finely tuned (use with the students is the key to that information) we are up and running.

Last week was the first week with classes and we are off to a good start.
As in most years, we begin with a self-portrait project to document this year in your child's life.

ALL classes are coming to the art studio for one hour/week even the youngest students. Its all good and I look forward to a productive year with the wonderful Capitol Hill Artists.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Capitol Hill Art Show = SUCCESS

Thank you to ALL, the many volunteers who made the CH Art Show a successful community event.

Thanks especially to Kate and Ilana for your vision and leadership.

Thanks students for your exceptional art work!

Thanks Will for showcasing our music students.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Capitol Hill Student Art Show

Come One Come All !!!
This Friday April 6th

This a wonderful, whole family celebration featuring art work from every Capitol Hill student! Plus musical performances and simple snacks for purchase.

Also the first half of the new cafeteria mural will be revealed!

Many student hours of focused effort has been put into this display and just as many parent hours have been shared in support of our accomplished artists.

Please come, celebrate and enjoy a time of community.

Monday, January 22, 2018


Even though it is winter, I have the Capitol Hill Art Show- Friday April 6th, front and center in my mind. As it is scheduled for right after Spring Break, all the work needs to be collected and organized starting....February.

Students are finishing special projects for inclusion in the show. They are focused and in productive modes.

As usual, I have to brag about all the strong work the kids do. They have some real skills under their belts and they are eager to use them.

Here is a great painting by a 3rd grader who has been looking at architecture and observing the paintings of Gabriele Munter.