Monday, October 30, 2017

Mid-term Updates for everyone!


The time has gone quickly and we are finally hunkered down in a productive rhythm in the Art Studio. Students' contact time was reorganized so they could have a full 60 minutes once/week. The combining of the 1.5x 40 minute periods into 1 very full and useful studio time has felt productive and satisfying for all of us - students and teacher alike.
Students can not only make a project, but they now have sufficient time to learn the context of why we are doing this activity plus, time to reflect on their work and "make meaning" of the whole experience. That is valuable!

And, I think I have my photo-to-blog problem worked out, so I have no excuse but to try to communicate.

Please check back by 11/8 for full updates for all grades!!!

All lessons for 1st grade and up are organized by 
Skill- "I need to know how to..."
Concept- "I need to understand how to..."
Meaning - "Why are we doing this, and what does it mean to me?" Why- historically?, Why-in the context of art curriculum? and What does this work that I made mean to me?"

Monday, September 11, 2017

Slow Start


We are having a slow ramp up to a full art schedule, but I am happy to reconnect with the students and they appear happy to be back at school. How nice all around.

2 Things:

1. I wanted to share this link about the real value and practical training of visual art education. I had heard about this a few years ago, but the concept has been brought back into focus (no pun intended). Value of a visual arts education

2. Check out the International Rose Garden Art Show, that is now on display at the BESC - PPS Headquarters. We decided the show should be seen and appreciated by more people, so we hung it last week. I think it looks great and have already heard some positive comments.

 Several of our CH 3rd grade students sent their "Abstracted Bridges" drawings, fullfilling the theme of all about Portland.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Welcome Back to Capitol Hill!

I am just about to pivot back to thinking about and planning the year in art class, and am enjoying a few last summer pleasures.

I saw a lot of great art this summer out of town, but wanted to see the shows at the Portland Art Museum by Jennifer Steinkamp and the work of architect, planner, visionary John Yeon. Both shows end soon and I think they are worth seeing.

Here are some pictures from my trip there today: Steinkamp's animation.


And here are a couple more things I saw at the museum that kids might enjoy. 
4th floor NW art collection

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Well it is that time of year...

we are on the far side of the big efforts needed for the Capitol Hill Art Show! followed by the Heart of Portland - district wide art show... followed by the Art is Elementary - K-5 PPS Arts Tax funded classrooms show at City Hall.

I am behind on this communication and I guess you know why.

Here are some photos:

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Here it comes RIGHT after spring break:

Capitol Hill Student Art Show
Thursday April 6th 2017
6:00- 8:30 pm

Please come admire and celebrate the creativity of all of our K-5 students. They have worked so hard this year encountering new ideas and making them their own.

We will have an Opening Reception on the night of April 6th, displaying hundreds of pieces of art, with musical entertainment and refreshments available. This is a happy family and community event. We welcome everyone!

I would like to recognize the tremendous efforts of parents who make this event a reality, especially Emily S. and Emily W.

This visual arts teaching position is wholly funded by the Arts Equity and Access Fund, the Arts Tax!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Working hard again

We are happy to be making art on a more regular basis.
Please enjoy our new display system in the front hall. Joy and Heidi take credit for the vision and the district carpenters came out and installed them. Thank you.

They are are perfect space to highlight the students' art about "I have a dream...."  Students share thoughts on how to acknowledge the courage and work of Dr. Martin Luther King and other Civil Rights workers and our role as citizens to strive to make America and the world a better place.

Monday, January 16, 2017


Okay - as I mentioned I am having trouble getting my pictures from class transfered to this account.

My solution is to try instagram to see if I can stay more current with that application.

Lets try it.
please look for

capitolhillart on instagram