Friday, April 11, 2014

Well the fun never stops!
Capitol Hill students have created very beautiful and interesting art work this year. -no exaggeration-
There are several other art show opportunities off-site coming up soon.  Yesterday I was walking around the art show trying to pick pieces for the next show on the calendar. I could literally select any piece on display and be proud to show it to a stranger!
Strong students did well, middling students surprised themselves and weaker or less engaged students stepped up and did some stunning and creative work. 
Sorry to brag....but I don't know how the work could be better.

Kudo to the Artists of Capitol Hill
and of course to the
dedicated crew of parents who made this event a true celebration.

Next up:
PPS hired many visual arts teacher with the new funds from the art tax. The salary for my position at Capitol Hill is fully funded with that money. To clarify, the Dash 4 Dollars will pay for art supplies and materials for the students plus additional Artist-in-Residence events and workshops as requested by classroom teachers.
The new hire art teachers within PPS have banded together to thank the community at large for the Arts Tax funding and to share some of what the children of Portland have accomplished this first year within their new programs.

We are having a show. The art teachers are so enthusiastic, 25+ schools are sending work for display at City Hall. That is the good news. The bad news is that each school isn't allocated much room. I will bring 6 framed pieces of student work, but may be only able to display 3. As I wrote above, how do I choose 3-6 pieces from 800+ really great students' works? 
Guess it is a good problem to have.
Simply put, if your work is chosen to show, that is great, but if it isn't chosen, it's "not not great." I am looking for variety of ages, style, color and equal gender mix. I also confess I want strong effort rewarded, (which is about 40% of the students a really high number).
Selected students and their families will be notified.
  • April 22- May 3 - Art is Elementary - City Hall - 3-6 pieces
  • April 19 Lucky Lab - fundraising event for Wilson Area Arts Council-10-20 pieces
  • May- Hillsdale Library - sharing space with Hayhurst art program, will show as many pieces as I can fit. Will check the space again next week.
  • May (last 2 weeks) - Umpqua Bank - Multnomah Village- Again, need to go look.
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