Monday, February 17, 2014

Organization for the school-wide Art Show is underway.
As I am new to this school I am having a parent show me the "ropes" about how all is done. (At my previous job I did do a school-wide art show, so I have some idea of how this all works).

Capitol Hill Art Show is April 4, 2014, so now is the time to gather all the student work and get it matted and mounted.
ANYONE willing to help, please contact Darcy Peterson, (3rd grade parent). She is the lead on the whole show.

Other art shows are in the works.
ARTS TAX - thank you. 
Myself and 2 other art teachers have been meeting and planning how to thank and show the larger Portland community the results and benefits of the arts tax. Our goal is to get K-5 student work out into the community somewhere during the month of May.  I have done some legwork and have secured several venues, the meeting room at the Hillsdale library, Umpqua Bank in Multnomah Village (a couple weeks in May) and a downtown store Boys' Fort (date to be determined). Anthropologie in the Pearl is giving it a second thought as well.

As art teachers, we whole-heartedly believe in the benefits of a visual arts education, regardless of a persons' future career. In the meantime, we want to share some evidence of the students' self-expressions.

So stay turned. 
Students at Capitol Hill have produced some good work this year in their brand new art program and I am determined to get it shown, locally at CH and in the neighborhood of Multnomah and Hillsdale and downtown!
I guarantee you will be positively impressed!

Thank you for your support.